Don Law

CEO, Fiber Pad, Inc.

Additional Inventories
Other inventories are available to assess individuals on factors such as emotional intelligence, or on key personal competencies and skills.  For entry-level through supervisory positions, inventories are available as needed to test an individual's ability to perform the basic skills that underlie particular jobs (i.e., math skills, attention to detail, grammar, basic writing ability, proficiency with data analysis, and use of specific programs). 

All assessments instruments are available to be completed online.

Mentor Management Assessment Center

"In my opinion, the key to our culture was the Interpersonal Technology program....
...after seeing it firsthand it's hard to imagine running a company or leading
​a team without the application of the Interpersonal Technology program."

The 16PF (5th Edition) – The 16PF Human Resource Development Report (HRDR) provides information about an individual’s management style and potential for future career development.  The HRDR describes the 16 primary personality factors and five management dimensions that are critical to effective management according to recent human resource development research: leadership style, interaction with others, decision-making abilities, initiative, and personal adjustment.​

Brief Description of Frequently-Used Instruments

"Interpersonal Technology seminars offer a remarkable opportunity for anyone seeking to improve their communication skills."

In conjunction with our mentoring, consulting, coaching, and training programs, the Mentor Management Assessment Center provides a variety of testing, survey, and assessment instruments such as the Interpersonal Technology Inventory, the 16PF, MVPI, and customized 360° Inventories. When a consultant and client identify a specific need, we have the capability to provide a broad range of other assessment tools as well.

Based in Dallas, Texas, Lisa Gwaltney heads the Assessment Center. She brings over 20 years experience with survey and test design, statistical analysis, and applied assessment and evaluation expertise.

For further information about these and other assessment instruments, please contact Lisa Gwaltney or 214-827-5325.

The Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory The MVPI assesses an individual’s interests, values, and preferences as a measure of expected actionable behavior. The underlying assumption is that our behavior is driven largely by our interests, and that our values and priorities are closely tied to these personal preferences and interests. The MVPI is an excellent tool to determine how well a person will fit with a job and with a team, department, or organization. The inventory provides a comprehensive, business-based taxonomy of values, evaluates the fit between a person’s values and an organization’s culture, and predicts both occupational success and job satisfaction.

The Interpersonal Technology Inventory – This instrument is used to help individuals identify leadership and interpersonal communication preferences, improve work and personal relationships, and increase management, sales, or negotiation effectiveness.  The Interpersonal Technology Inventory provides information to consider strengths and points for development in four major skill areas: People, Path, Product, and Pace.  The various combinations of these four preference factors result in identification of an individual’s primary personality and management style.

            Note: ​If you have already been given a LoginID and Password to take this inventory, please click on the link                         below or copy and paste it into your browser, and apply those codes when requested:

Interpersonal Technology Inventory 

"The [Interpersonal Technology] system is invaluable to any organization wishing to move its high performers to the next level....

I participated in a personal development [mentoring] program, and feel this is the single most important aid to my career development.

Client Quotes

Mark Kiner

VP of Operations, Ditch Witch

Contact Us:  214-827-5325

The 360° Inventory Customized for each organization, firm, or work group, the 360º Inventory assesses an individual’s skills and provides objective feedback in a number of categories important to professional and organizational effectiveness.  Using data gathered from peers, employees, the individual, and his/her supervisor, this instrument creates a 360º, or, “full circle” view of the person’s behavior and abilities in key areas.  The confidential survey format allows peers and employees to provide honest feedback on the individual’s performance.  Results are integrated in a comprehensive report that identifies and quantifies the person’s major strengths, weaknesses, and areas for further development.

Joe Stough

Syntex Management Systems, Inc.